For the first time in my life I went to meet with a psychiatrist yesterday. My insurance company requires a psychiatric evaluation and a personality test before you can be approved for bariatric surgery. I think that it's a pretty standard requirement for many insurance companies. Honestly, I think the only reason they want you to do the evaluation is to prove you're not Alex from Fatal Attraction! I mean the questions on the thing seemed to be trying to determine whether or not you had tendencies at being psychotic, not really anything to do with your brain/food relationship. Now THAT would be worth knowing about from a person about to have 85% of their stomach cut off!
The test was called the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2. Here is what the test is looking for and the number of questions for each illness. I don't know how many questions were on the test because my doctor had me stop after the first 370 questions.
1 | Hs | Hypochondriasis | Concern with bodily symptoms | 32 |
2 | D | Depression | Depressive Symptoms | 57 |
3 | Hy | Hysteria | Awareness of problems and vulnerabilities | 60 |
4 | Pd | Psychopathic Deviate | Conflict, struggle, anger, respect for society's rules | 50 |
5 | MF | Masculinity/Femininity | Stereotypical masculine or feminine interests/behaviors | 56 |
6 | Pa | Paranoia | Level of trust, suspiciousness, sensitivity | 40 |
7 | Pt | Psychasthenia | Worry, Anxiety, tension, doubts, obsessiveness | 48 |
8 | Sc | Schizophrenia | Odd thinking and social alienation | 78 |
9 | Ma | Hypomania | Level of excitability | 46 |
0 | Si | Social Introversion | People orientation | 69 |
The questions/statements were all true or false and some of the ones that I remember are:
I enjoy seeing animals suffer.
I see people who others do not see.
I have voices telling me what to do.
My father/mother was/is a good person.
I love my father/mother.
I have been in love.
I have taken risks that have gotten me into trouble.
I have been in jail.
I take drugs.
I think people are after me. (there seemed to be a lot of those questions)
Most people lie to get their way.
This site has the test on it and will score it for you. I haven't done it online but I think I might just take it again later today to see what it says! Click HERE
And seriously there were 370 questions like that. Either I will be a psychopath or I'm the most "normal" person he's ever met.
I was a little nervous and found myself being careful not to sit with my legs crossed at the ankles, my arms folded and all the other body language signals that say, "I'm a crazy freak." And if you are a crazy freak I am in no way condemning you. I think we're all a little crazy and freakish at times actually!
It is a little daunting to think you will sit down with someone who makes their living at delving into your psyche. Anyway...come Monday we will see if I "pass"!