Monday, May 30, 2011

Addicted to Love

I love sugar. I think that just like my hair is brown and my eyes are brown and my skin is olive because of my D.N.A.,  that my sugar addiction is written in there somewhere too. 

I cannot get enough sugar these days. I absolutely crave cookies, chocolate, candies, anything sweet...except for fruit. I only crave unholy sugar. In my heart I want to be good, but then my brain takes over. Sugar cereal, sugar snacks, sugar, sugar, sugar. It's disgusting I know. I can't even begin to imagine what my blood sugar is on a good day! I should check it out. It's usually not bad but I'm probably killing my pancreas. 

On any given day if I could I would do this:

Wednesday is the day I go to the Bariatric Center. I'm excited. Will having my stomach banded take away the addiction? Maybe I'll want to do better when I'm losing 6 pounds in a week? I can only hope.

Friday, May 6, 2011

And ....

In order to get an appointment I have to go to a seminar by the surgeon so I've scheduled it for June 1. I'm rather excited about it. I see the testimonials of people who have undergone the surgery and I get giddy thinking about the possibility of my own transformation.

Heaven knows that I'll either have to have surgery to get rid of all the skin or just tuck it into my underwear! Either way I'll be healthier and feel better about myself.

I have been tracking my food again on WW and am down 1.8 this week. It feels good but it's such a small dent in a very large (pardon the pun) problem.

In the meantime I'm following the blog of the friend of a friend. It's pretty funny and I relate because I always say I have two in the back and one in the front! You might enjoy this blog too....My Other Butt.